Saturday 20 June 2015

New Kids On The Block Crazy Fan

Something that I haven't ever mentioned on this blog before is that I am a major new kids fan! It all started back at the start of 2011 when I somehow came across the new kids live in concert (providence to be precise) and I instantly fell In love! From the minute I saw Joey, I knew I was a Joey girl.. And still am to this day! Although Jordan Knight takes me heart every now and then! Oh and Donnie is a cutie too, and then so is Danny.. what the heck I'm a DonDannyJoeyJordanJon kinda girl!
I love them so so much and my love for them grows as each year goes by!

I still remember the first, first time I ever heard of them.. I was watching an old 80s home video on YouTube and the girl had a nkotb poster in her room and had there songs blasting in the background! Although I had no clue who they were at that time lol. OH and after finding my obsession with the new kids I went out to the shed a few weeks later to look at my moms old record collection and I found a new kids one!! I was so happy I found it!

So I am a major new kids on the block fan and always will be, although I'm only a baby blockhead, I'm still as big of a fan as the 80s fans! I'll be loving the new kids forever!

This was the first ever picture I seen of the new kids!