Friday 1 May 2015

Happy Birthday Jan Brady

Happy Birthday to Eve Plumb, our favorite most funniest Brady, Jan! It's crazy to think that the Brady bunch aired almost 45 years ago. And on the 29th of April 2015, Eve Plumb turned 57! Growing up and watching the Brady bunch every night on tv was the highlight of my week. Even though a lot of girls looked up to Marcia Brady and thought she was the most grooviest girl, I always looked up to Jan! She reminded me of myself and I thought she was the coolest! I remember wanting to be her when I was younger, she was just so cool! Her outfits were always so groovy and she was sooooo pretty! I just can't believe the Brady bunch is THAT old! Like it seems like it only aired a few years ago, but nope.. Our bradys our all grown up, they are not the cute little kids we fell in love with. Okay now I'm rambling on, the point of this posts was to wish the coolest, most grooviest girl on campus.. JAN BRADY a happy birthday! So.... Happy birthday eve plumb! I hope you had an amazing day! Thanks for being you!

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