Monday 20 October 2014

Where have I been?

Wow. It's been a few months since I've last posted on here and honestly, I don't really have an excuse for why I haven't posted. I just haven't had any inspiration lately. But I'm back and HOPEFULLY I'll stop to post a lot more.

Over the past few months of not posting anything I have got up to a lot of things such as changing and redecorating my room, making a hangout room for me and my friends, going record shopping and finding so much cool records, and going on a holiday with my family. It's been such fun these past few months but now that I'm back, I'm looking forward to posting more things. And I'm also thinking about making my own youtube page too, so you guys will see more of what I do and love. My next post will hopefully be sometime in the next week, so stay tuned for that.. And in the mean time.. Stay groovy!

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