Friday 7 November 2014

Going to my favourite place ever … THE VINTAGE MARKET

Hi guys!! Im back!! I have a few posts planned out for the next couple of months so I'm excited to show you guys those. this ones kind of a #tbt (even tho its not thursday) but i forgot to upload these photos, so here they are.. somewhat 6 months later..  OOPS!!

So every few months my mum and I like to go down to the vintage market, its quiet a drive from where I live, but its totally worth it! this vintage market is packed full of awesome finds, although its really really expensive, its still nice to go look at, and the people are just lovely there.

So this is it, the big shed market.. absolutely full of awesome things. I always leave with something because this market is huge, and theres always new stuff to find. and the great thing about this Awesome vintage market is that its open ALL YEAR ROUND!!
this picture is only showing one side of the market.. i told you it was big!

Oh look what I can see.. a grease record.. I may or may not have bought that!

Talk about a lot of books, oh wow!

I really really do enjoy going here because it makes me so happy, so much nice and friendly people there & such amazing vintage finds.
I didn't take as much photos as I would've liked, but i will most defiantly be doing future posts on this amazing vintage market.

So in the mean time, stay groovy my friends!

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