Thursday 24 April 2014

Kissing Koolers - a must have for any 80s teen girl

Kissing Koolers were a very popular cosmetic item of the 80s, you were literally considered cool if you had them or at least you thought you were cool. They were manufactured in 1987 by Maybelline and come in all differant colours & flavours. There's peppermint twist (which is a fav for a lot of teens) strawberry fizz (my favourite!) banana split, cherry cola & waterman swirl!

Now that's we are way past it still being the 80s, kissing Koolers are still bring remembered by all the teen girls & are still very popular even though they aren't being made anymore. They are very rare and if you come across one on the internet, most likely it will be sold straight away, and I don't blame it. I was very fortunate to come across the whole set while I was an eBay search, and had to have them!

My favourite would defiantly have to be strawberry fizz, and for its age it still smells just like strawberries with a hint of sorbet, I actually have two strawberry fizz kissing Koolers because I love it so much! They are very pricey if you come across them on the internet, but if you love them as much as I do or they give you a little nostalgia, then go for it.. Bring back the memory's of being a teen in the 80s!


  1. Replies
    1. Love them soo much !!!wishes them start selling them in Wpg...
