Sunday 11 May 2014

The Freedom - Drivers License

(*Sigh of Relief*) the thrill of passing your driving lesson was the biggest thing to happen to any teenagers during the 80s (or at anytime) knowing that you know longer need your mom or dad to drive you around places and you can now, Drive by yourself is such a big thing.

Getting your firs car, so much excitment!

The best Part about getting your License is being able to go where you want, where you want. And with your friends along with you, it makes the time awhole lot better. I was so excited to get my License, I failed the first time, but got 100% the second (how's that?) and I was so happy!

Joy with her first car!

Enjoy some of these 80's teens with their first cars!

I wonder who's this car belongs too?
Off to prom?
I can drive now, WOOHOO!

Nothing is more exciting then getting your first car, it's such a great feeling, a feeling of freedom!
The Freedom of Driving for the first time!

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