Friday 28 November 2014

Vintage 60s Home Life

Some really groovy items from the 1960s-1970s

Laurie Partridge

About a year ago the local video shop was shutting down and all dvd's were $5 each, so i decided to have a look around and see what i could buy, and I came across "The Partridge Family" dvd. the cover looked really groovy so I decided to buy it, after watching it i had to buy the rest of the seasons, I absolutely loved that show, it was so groovy and their songs were amazing! David Cassidy was just the cutest too! Not to mention Laurie Partridge's fashion was SO groovy! She had a very similar style to Marica Brady. Susan Dey immediately became my fashion role model, her style was absolutely amazing, I loved every outfit she wore. and she's so pretty too!

Susan Dey is an amazing actress and will always be one of my favourites from the 70's!
Such an amazing role model and inspiration!
You Rock, Sue!

Friday 7 November 2014

Going to my favourite place ever … THE VINTAGE MARKET

Hi guys!! Im back!! I have a few posts planned out for the next couple of months so I'm excited to show you guys those. this ones kind of a #tbt (even tho its not thursday) but i forgot to upload these photos, so here they are.. somewhat 6 months later..  OOPS!!

So every few months my mum and I like to go down to the vintage market, its quiet a drive from where I live, but its totally worth it! this vintage market is packed full of awesome finds, although its really really expensive, its still nice to go look at, and the people are just lovely there.

So this is it, the big shed market.. absolutely full of awesome things. I always leave with something because this market is huge, and theres always new stuff to find. and the great thing about this Awesome vintage market is that its open ALL YEAR ROUND!!
this picture is only showing one side of the market.. i told you it was big!

Oh look what I can see.. a grease record.. I may or may not have bought that!

Talk about a lot of books, oh wow!

I really really do enjoy going here because it makes me so happy, so much nice and friendly people there & such amazing vintage finds.
I didn't take as much photos as I would've liked, but i will most defiantly be doing future posts on this amazing vintage market.

So in the mean time, stay groovy my friends!

Monday 20 October 2014

Where have I been?

Wow. It's been a few months since I've last posted on here and honestly, I don't really have an excuse for why I haven't posted. I just haven't had any inspiration lately. But I'm back and HOPEFULLY I'll stop to post a lot more.

Over the past few months of not posting anything I have got up to a lot of things such as changing and redecorating my room, making a hangout room for me and my friends, going record shopping and finding so much cool records, and going on a holiday with my family. It's been such fun these past few months but now that I'm back, I'm looking forward to posting more things. And I'm also thinking about making my own youtube page too, so you guys will see more of what I do and love. My next post will hopefully be sometime in the next week, so stay tuned for that.. And in the mean time.. Stay groovy!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Friday the 13th - day of horror movies

It's Friday the 13th and we all know what that means, time to watch some scary movies!! My favourite are the 80s horror/slasher movies, one of my favourites is nightmare on elm street, the original one is my favorite by far, and too make it 10 times better I was lucky enough to get a signed autograph from Heather Langerkamp aka Nancy! 

I love all 80s horror flicks, from the cute "gremlins" to the scary "Excosist" there's so many 80s movies that go un loved, like silver bullet, witch board and so many more. Nightmare on elm street was the biggest 80s horror movie and was loved by so many people. Hence why they made more of them! Another favorite of mine is "Poltergeist" which stars the cute little Heather O'Rourke!

Horror movies always has a suspense that's so exciting, you never know when something's going to jump out and scare you and that's the funiest part about watching scary movies, the thrill of being... Scared!

Monday 19 May 2014

Kids Incorporated - the 80's

Not long ago I was searching 80's videos on youtube when I came across Kid's Inc, Not sure what it was I clicked on one their videos and I instantly fell in love.
Kids Incorporated was a show which first aired on September the 1st, 1983. It was a show which had large musical performances in each episode.

The Members were: Stacy Ferguson, Renee Sands, Martika, Eric Balfour, Mario Lopez,
Ryan Parker, Moosie Drier and more.

I personally LOVE the musical performance more than the episodes and storys, I think the clothing,
the hair, the dance moves & the music they sing just screams 80's! I really love Stacy Ferguson performances the most, she was so pretty and so cool! Even if it's a slow song or a fast song she always does an amazing job!

A very similar tv show was made in Australia called "Young talent time" and I'll be making a blog
post about that show some time soon.
But in the mean time, go check out some of the performances by Kids Inc, and step back
to the 80's!

Sunday 11 May 2014

The Freedom - Drivers License

(*Sigh of Relief*) the thrill of passing your driving lesson was the biggest thing to happen to any teenagers during the 80s (or at anytime) knowing that you know longer need your mom or dad to drive you around places and you can now, Drive by yourself is such a big thing.

Getting your firs car, so much excitment!

The best Part about getting your License is being able to go where you want, where you want. And with your friends along with you, it makes the time awhole lot better. I was so excited to get my License, I failed the first time, but got 100% the second (how's that?) and I was so happy!

Joy with her first car!

Enjoy some of these 80's teens with their first cars!

I wonder who's this car belongs too?
Off to prom?
I can drive now, WOOHOO!

Nothing is more exciting then getting your first car, it's such a great feeling, a feeling of freedom!
The Freedom of Driving for the first time!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Kissing Koolers - a must have for any 80s teen girl

Kissing Koolers were a very popular cosmetic item of the 80s, you were literally considered cool if you had them or at least you thought you were cool. They were manufactured in 1987 by Maybelline and come in all differant colours & flavours. There's peppermint twist (which is a fav for a lot of teens) strawberry fizz (my favourite!) banana split, cherry cola & waterman swirl!

Now that's we are way past it still being the 80s, kissing Koolers are still bring remembered by all the teen girls & are still very popular even though they aren't being made anymore. They are very rare and if you come across one on the internet, most likely it will be sold straight away, and I don't blame it. I was very fortunate to come across the whole set while I was an eBay search, and had to have them!

My favourite would defiantly have to be strawberry fizz, and for its age it still smells just like strawberries with a hint of sorbet, I actually have two strawberry fizz kissing Koolers because I love it so much! They are very pricey if you come across them on the internet, but if you love them as much as I do or they give you a little nostalgia, then go for it.. Bring back the memory's of being a teen in the 80s!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Time Travel - Malls of the 80's

I love to shop, weather it's online or at a mall in my home town. Just buying clothes I like etc makes me really happy, and what makes me even more happy is too think of malls of the 80s, how different they were back then, so so different to today's malls. I love looking at vintage mall photo's too see how much times really have changed, As much as I love shopping in this day and era, I would much rather shop in the 80's.
Just looking at the different styles in the photos, and how everything looked.

Just look how cool this photo is, Bright colors, fun and adorable clothes,
the big hair, I just love everything about this photo!
Another cool photo taking in an 80's mall, Oh how I wish I would've
went shopping in the 80's, actually, how much I would've much rather
growing up in the 80's!

I always think of all the awesome clothing, makeup etc I would find if I were living in the 80's,
and it just makes me so so happy!
I guess I dream way to much...

Sunday 16 March 2014

Marcia Brady: outfit re-used

I recently watched the Brady Bunch episode "Greg's Triangle" and noticed a very familiar outfit, worn by the character Jennifer. I could not think of where I saw that outfit before, So I decided to look through the Brady bunch series and see if it was once re-used.
Jennifer from "Greg's Triangle"

After searching through season 3, I did infact find the same outfit, this time used by Marcia Brady in the episode "Getting Davy Jones"

In my opinion, Marcia looks way more groovy!!

It's cool to notice things like this, and especially when you see stuff-ups or goofiness through the series, as you can just tell that the brady's were just kids, and were having fun while on set.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

BabySitting Blues

Now Most of you probably have had a babysitting job here and there, whether it's babysitting your neighbors kids or your little cousins. Me, I Mostly Babysat my little cousins and I love looking after them, it's great fun, But before I started to babysit, I was terrified. After watching all those horror movies about Babysitters getting Killed, I didn't want to babysit at all, And I didn't for quiet awhile.

After watching "Adventures in Babysitting" a million times, I always thought when I was older enough to babysit, that I would actually have a babysitting adventure, Was I wrong.

I always thought babysitting would be full of adventures and such, but that's not even close. It's full of hard work, watching little kids, and getting one big headache. After watching this movie I started to get into Horror movies, I watched Halloween from 1978, and I was terrified of babysitting after that.

Halloween from 1978:
Did you know that the Holloween movies were suppose to be called "The Babysitting Murders" Pretty creepy,right? It's about a man who hunts down babysitters just to kill them. Not my kind of movie.

Childs Play 1988:
And you Can't forget Child's Play, Where little Andy's been babysat, and the babysitter doesn't believe him about a "Doll who's alive" and then she get's killed.

There's so much more Horror babysitting movies that I can't think of right now, But they always put me off of babysitting, Now every time I do babysit i just giggle at those times where these kinds of movies use to scare the crap out of me, Not anymore.

Monday 3 March 2014

Lip Sync our way through the 80's

Lip Syncing contest were hugely popular during the 80's, They would hold lip syncing contest at malls, town halls, or even at school. Alot of School talent shows had a huge amount of Lip Syncing Acts.
Lip Sync video's are so fun too watch, and so entertaining. Anyone who would be lip Syncing looked like they were having the time of their life. I've listed a few of my favorite 80's lip Sync's for you all, I hope you enjoy!

This Video is from a lip syncing contest in 1986, they came second place, against a lip syncing boys act who won $1000 for coming first place! Check out the hair, dancing moves & music
totally 80's!

Ahhh, So totally cool! This is one of my by far favorite Lip syncing videos!
These 80's teens decided to make Lip Syncing videos while they were home from collage. They sang to an 80's classic: stuck with you - Huey Lewis (One of my favorite 80's tunes)
They have a few up on their youtube if you want to check them out!

Whip it- Lip Sync performed by two teens, this one is a classic.. SO 80'S!
This one is a favorite too, So funny but yet so COOL!

I had to add this one in here: Sussudio Lip Sync, what could be better! This is such a classic, I love the hair, outfits & check out those dance movies, Love it!

This Lip Sync video looks like alot of work went into it, Lip syncing to Manic Monday By The Bangles Love this Lip Sync & love the song choice!

I hope you enjoyed some of my favorite Lip Syncing videos, Go check them out on youtube, they have tons of Lip Sync's.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Vintage Magazine Overload!

In late 2011, I became a HUGE fan of "The Brady Bunch" and in the same week I came across Ebay, And my first purchase was no other than a "Brady Bunch" Collectable, Then my obsession began. I started to buy loads and loads of vintage items, collectibles and whatever else I thought was cool. And just finding out about Ebay was the exact week of my birthday, so you should be able to guess where all my birthday money went... yep, Straight to Ebay!

As I started to collect more and more things, I then came across Vintage Magazines, and automatically fell in love. They just looked so.... Vintage! The first one I ever bought was featuring Maureen McCormick and Eve Plumb. When it arrived, It was so interesting to look through, and so cool too read! I then, started buying more.. and more.. and more! And that's how I ended up with all of these!
Featuring Celebs, from the 70's, 80's & 90's
I began collecting the ones from the 70s, Because it was featuring some of my favorite Actors like
Scott Baio (who I adored), Maureen McCormick and the rest of the Bradys, Willie Aames and so much more.Than came my obsession with the 80s, I then had to get every 80's Magazine possible, well obviously not everyone because they are quiet expensive. For their age, I can understand they sell for abit more then they did back in the day, but a vintage magazine on Ebay usually sell for about $20.00 which is really expensive, and being from Australia, the shipping is $20.00 as well. But I was lucky enough to buy most of this in bulk, which saved me awhole lot of money! I then bought an Old vintage photobook which came with some 90's teen beat magazines as an extra, I mostly liked those for the NKOTB articles.

And that my friends, is how I ended up with all these Teen Magazines from the 70's, 80's & 90's (Mostly 80's) But I will be selling the 70's & 90's ones soon and I'm sad to part with them, but it's good for me to let someone else enjoy them and love them as much as I did!

Saturday 15 February 2014

Introduction to my Blog

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my Blog, I decided to make a blog because I think it would be a great way to show everyone about my interest and things I love, I would love to show people from the younger generations what an amazing and inspiring the 60's,70's and 80's are.

I guess I should introduce myself a little bit.
 My name is Amy, I just turned 18 this year. I'm from Australia and I love everything vintage. 60s,70s,80s. Especially the 80's. The clothes, The Hair, The Music, I just Love everything about that decade. I enjoy Crafting and Doing things that make me Happy. I love watching Movies, Especially from the 80's. Collecting Memorabilia is one of my biggest hobbies, My Biggest Hobbie is collecting Vintage articles about my favorite Celebrities. I enjoy Dancing and Listening to 80's music also, It just makes me really happy! I would really like to start buying vintage clothing from the 80's.

I'll be posting alot of things on this blog, Like Crafts I've done, Places I've been, Things that interest me, and I'll probably be posting alot of reviews about Movies and Books that I have watched and read.
I'm not very good with writing posts but hopefully I get better as time goes by.

I hope you enjoy my blog, and stay tuned for the next post!

- Amy